Sunday, 8 June 2014

Grow your own...

I had planned to spend all weekend sewing, however like all plans it hasn't worked that way. I have got a little sewing done which I will finish this evening but as the weather was nice this afternoon I mustered the enthusiasm to do some pottering in the garden.

My new house has, what seems to me, a huge garden which hasn't been loved by the previous owner and has been neglected by me in the months I've lived here. I have been doing bits and pieces, clearing a couple of borders, figuring out how a lawnmower works, and as of today waging war on the major weeds which seem to love my soil!

As well as the boring stuff I have given growing fruit and veg a go on a small scale this year.

The tomatoes are doing well (as a novice gardener I count anything that is growing as doing well!)

The strawberries and blackcurrant bush seem to be happy, and I'm almost winning vs the weeds in this patch.

Unfortunately their neighbours the butternut squash/courgettes (I planted squash and courgette seeds in the same seed tray but forgot to label which was which!) have totally disappeared.

Luckily I didn't plant out all the seedlings, so I'm now trying to grow them in some enormous pots.  Fingers crossed this plan works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done Vicki and good luck with your vegie plants.xx