Sunday, 14 July 2019

Even more crafting

I've set myself the challenge of completing 12 crafty projects in 2019 and they are by no means all small projects, so that should be enough to keep me busy and focused. 

Of course not!

As well as the 12 Things here are some other bits I've been working on in the last few weeks...

A baby quilt that's taken way too long to finish!... 

Some insanely bright socks... 

Another CBTL for a Xmas present... 

The start of a small EPP project to use some long term stash. 

You could say I've got to many WIPs or you could say I like variety in my crafting options. I'm not saying anything! 

Monday, 8 July 2019

12 Things in 2019 - June Progress

It felt like I got heaps of crafting done this month but when I review my actual progress on the 12 Things it doesn't seem so much!

Blocks were finished and layout finalised for the first Xmas quilt. 

A few blocks were knitted fot the Hue Shift Afghan... 

I am getting quicker at these so hopefully it won't take forever, although with 100 blocks and a border who am I kidding? 

I also finished the CBTL, but I haven't blocked it yet so no photos. I definitely think I'll get more wear out of it than the knitted version. 

July's plans are the Hue Shift Afghan and another Xmas top, if I can remain focused on specific projects!