Monday, 27 September 2010

Work in Progress

So I have an idea what I have to finish off I'm going to make a list here of all my current, started craft projects and then cross them off as I get them done.  Total honesty and I think i'm in for a nasty shock!
  • Advent calendar cross stitch - been on the go for about 10 years! May be at the put it all together stage!
  • First quilt
  • Matthew's hand sewn quilt - further along with this than thought but still over 200 patches to cut!
  • Log cabin quilt (mine)
  • Cat cross stitch
  • Potatomus (?) socks - OTN for nine months
  • Work socks - these will get done soon I hate cold feet
  • American Aran Blanket - kinda on hold until I see mum and see what squares are already done
  • Nintendo DS cover - would take less than an hour to finish
  • Tidying up of green scarf
  • Knitted Eeyore - think there may be a good reason why this isn't finished, will investigate
Hmm about as bad as I thought and doesn't include the Millenium Sampler or French knitting as I've technically handed them on.

Looks like I've got a crafty winter ahead of me! (And I want to start Ganny's quilt AND a fluffy jumper AND I have an idea for at least one Xmas present).

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Well It's Not All About Fabric

Another weekend another update!  Had the intention of nipping into Buckingham to get the extra fabric required for my log cabin quilt.  As so often happens I came away with more than that (on a positive note I did get the fabric I wanted which doesn't always happen and all my other purchases were second hand).

Anyway the purchases I'm most proud of (and will own up to here) are...

A rather sweet but very tatty sewing box, with the added bonus of lots of teeny hexagon flowers in the drawer (God knows what I will do with those).  To give you an idea of its size this box will be capable of biting most people in the knees.  I intend to renovate this box somehow and somewhen.

The other purchase was...

...the first fabrics for Ganny's quilt.  The yellow one has little stars on it.  Just two more red and three purple fabrics to find  As easy as it sounds!

Monday, 20 September 2010

Things Made Whilst Sewing

So what did I actually achieve at this weekend's workshop?

18 blocks like this, although I am going to need a few more to make a double bed sized quilt.

Tried a few layouts too...

Which one I finally use will depend on the best size for the bed and how many more blocks I need to make.
Any preferences?

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Things Learnt Whilst Sewing

A good day at the Nimble Thimble log cabin workshop and several unexpected things learnt... apart from how to build a log cabin patch...

- Chain piecing isn't as hard as it sounds

- It's not impossible to get new feet for 20 year old sewing machines but it does put paid to the idea of a new, shiny, lighter machine

- Mothers are always right when forecasting the health of previously mentioned ancient sewing machine